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H&G Technology CO., LTD

14 bands 35W Powerful All Bands VHF UHF Radio Mobile Phone Wi-Fi Lojack Walkie Talkie Jammer

14 bands 35W Powerful All Bands VHF UHF Radio Mobile Phone Wi-Fi Lojack Walkie Talkie Jammer 1
14 bands 35W Powerful All Bands VHF UHF Radio Mobile Phone Wi-Fi Lojack Walkie Talkie Jammer 1
14 bands 35W Powerful All Bands VHF UHF Radio Mobile Phone Wi-Fi Lojack Walkie Talkie Jammer 2
14 bands 35W Powerful All Bands VHF UHF Radio Mobile Phone Wi-Fi Lojack Walkie Talkie Jammer 3
14 bands 35W Powerful All Bands VHF UHF Radio Mobile Phone Wi-Fi Lojack Walkie Talkie Jammer 4
Product Name : 14 bands 35W Powerful All Bands VHF UHF Radio Mobile Phone Wi-Fi Lojack Walkie Talkie Jammer
Product ID : HAG-194
Total output power : 35W
Semidiameter of interception : 2m-50m(depend on site signal strength and environment condition)
Frequency Band : -GSM850/CDMA800: 850-894MHz -GSM900: 925-960MHz -GSM1800(DCS): 1805-1880MHz -GSM1900(PCS): 1920-1990MHz -3G2100(UMTS): 2110-2170MHz -4G LTE2300: 2300-2400MHz -4G LTE2600: 2620-2690MHz -Wi-Fi Bluetooth: 2400-2483MHz -VHF radio,Lojac
Power Source : AC adapter (50 to 60Hz/100 to 240V AC –DC19V)
Dimension(LXWXH) : 455 x 254 x 68mm

Product Description

If you want to jam all bands of mobile phone ,WIFI,Lojack and VHF&UHF radio simultaneously,you’d better to look for  powerful signal jammer for help. The one we are mentioning now was designed for solving the problem -- it gathers almost of these kinds of jamming signals in one device.

The signal jammer is for, such as,exams of school.We can’t image how the examinees cheat during the time,what kinds of tools they will use,but we can do something for preventing -- install the device inside of the classroom,there will be jamming signal transmitting to break up communications of cheating tools ,and disable.Beside,the  signal jammer can also be used for other projects to get rid of mobile phone ,WIFI,Lojack and VHF&UHF radio.

Manufacturer Specifications

-GSM850/CDMA800: 850-894MHz   
-GSM900: 925-960MHz   
-GSM1800(DCS): 1805-1880MHz   
-GSM1900(PCS): 1920-1990MHz   
-3G2100(UMTS): 2110-2170MHz   
-4G LTE2300: 2300-2400MHz   
-4G LTE2600: 2620-2690MHz   
-Wi-Fi Bluetooth: 2400-2483MHz   
-VHF radio,Lojack: 135-200MHz
-Walky-Talky or Car Remote Control: 200-300MHz   
-(UHF Radio) Walky-Talky or Car Remote Control ,spy listen bug: 400-500MHz  
-Walky-Talky UHF Radio: 500-600MHz   
-Walky-Talky UHF Radio: 600-700MHz   
-Walky-Talky UHF Radio -4G LTE: 790-880MHz  or 700-800MHz

  • Total output power: 35W
  • Semidiameter of interception:2m-50m(depend on site signal strength and environment condition)
  • Power Source : AC adapter (50 to 60Hz/100 to 240V AC –DC19V)
  • Electric Filed (SAR): Compatible with ICNIRP Standards(Human safe)
  • Operating Temp: -20 to +50℃
  • Storage Temp: -40 to +60℃
  • Dimension(LXWXH): 455 x 254 x 68mm
  • Net weight: 3.3kg

Package Contents

  • Multi-functional Jammer
  • AC Adaptor
  • Car Adaptor
  • Antennas
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